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Module Name: Inference

The Inference class is a part of a custom module that facilitates text generation using a pre-trained causal language model from the Hugging Face transformers library. The class provides functionalities for loading a pre-trained model, tokenizing input text, and generating text based on a given prompt. Additionally, it supports quantization of model weights to reduce the model size and accelerate inference.

Class Definition

class Inference:
    def __init__(
            model_id: str, 
            device: str = None, 
            max_length: int = 20, 
            quantize: bool = False, 
            quantization_config: dict = None


  • model_id (str): The identifier of the pre-trained model to be loaded. This can be the path to a local directory containing the model files or a model id from the Hugging Face model hub.
  • device (str, optional): The device on which the model will be loaded and inference will be performed. Default is None, which means that it will use CUDA if available, otherwise CPU.
  • max_length (int, optional): The maximum length of the generated text. Default is 20.
  • quantize (bool, optional): A flag indicating whether to quantize the model weights. Default is False.
  • quantization_config (dict, optional): A dictionary containing the configuration for quantization. Default is None.


__call__(self, prompt_text: str, max_length: int = None) -> str

Generates text based on the provided prompt_text.


  • prompt_text (str): The text prompt based on which the text will be generated.
  • max_length (int, optional): The maximum length of the generated text. If not provided, the max_length specified during initialization will be used.


  • str: The generated text.

run(self, prompt_text: str, max_length: int = None) -> str

This method is an alternative to the __call__ method and performs the same operation.


  • prompt_text (str): The text prompt based on which the text will be generated.
  • max_length (int, optional): The maximum length of the generated text. If not provided, the max_length specified during initialization will be used.


  • str: The generated text.

Usage Examples:

Example 1: Basic Usage

from finetuning_suite import Inference

model_id = "gpt2-small"
inference = Inference(model_id=model_id)

prompt_text = "Once upon a time"
generated_text = inference(prompt_text)

Example 2: Specifying Maximum Length

from finetuning_suite import Inference

model_id = "gpt2-small"
inference = Inference(model_id=model_id, max_length=50)

prompt_text = "In a land far, far away"
generated_text =, max_length=30)

Example 3: Using Quantization

from zeta import Inference

from finetuning_suite import Inference
quantization_config = {
    'load_in_4bit': True,
    'bnb_4bit_use_double_quant': True,
    'bnb_4bit_quant_type': "nf4",
    'bnb_4bit_compute_dtype': torch.bfloat16
inference = Inference(model_id=model_id, quantize=True, quantization_config=quantization_config)

prompt_text = "Once upon a time"
generated_text = inference(prompt_text)

Mathematical Formulation:

The Inference class uses a pre-trained causal language model for text generation. The probability of each word in the vocabulary is computed using the softmax function:

[ P(w_i | w_1, ..., w_{i-1}) = \frac{e^{z_i}}{\sum_{j=1}^{V} e^{z_j}} ]

Where: - ( w_i ) is the ith word in the sequence. - ( z_i ) is the logit for the ith word in the vocabulary. - ( V ) is the size of the vocabulary.

The text is generated word by word, where each word is sampled from the probability distribution over the vocabulary computed by the model.


  1. Memory Consumption: Generating text with large models requires a significant amount of GPU memory. It is recommended to use a GPU with at least 16 GB of memory for generating text with large models.

  2. Computation Time: Generating text with large models requires a significant amount of computation time. It is recommended to use a powerful GPU to accelerate the inference process.

  3. Quantization Accuracy: Quantizing the model weights reduces the model size and accelerates inference, but may also result in a slight decrease in model accuracy. It is recommended to evaluate the quantized model on a validation set to ensure that the accuracy is acceptable for the specific application.


The Inference class facilitates text generation using pre-trained models from the Hugging Face transformers library. This class includes functionalities for loading a pre-trained model, tokenizing input text, and generating text based on a given prompt. It also supports quantization of model weights to reduce the model size and accelerate inference.